We are an English language teaching and Community Arts organisation, based in Thanet, East Kent
About Our Work
BTP was founded in 2015. Our aims from the outset have been to:
- Engage and support women born outside the UK to develop speaking confidence in English and become active citizens
- Work with partner organisations to develop and improve services for minority ethnic families
- Build a positive, active multicultural and multilingual local community.
Our key delivery is the “United Mothers” project which runs community ESOL groups. “ESOL” means English for Speakers of Other Languages.
There are almost 300 United Mothers members in Thanet and others who live elsewhere. We welcome all women, local and those born abroad, to come and learn together, make friends and explore services and opportunities. We have worked in schools, community centres and a refuge for those who have been trafficked or are victims of modern-day slavery.
To find out more about our background, please visit ABOUT US and the GALLERY AND LIBRARY pages
Free ESOL for Women
A key principle of our work is to reduce the barriers which many women face when wanting to learn English and make social connections.
These include the financial cost, restrictive timetables and immigration rules of most mainstream programmes. Women need flexible provision which allows them to manage family responsibilities and/ or work whilst learning.
We offer women-only learning spaces. This is important for those who have experienced violence, trafficking or other ill-treatment. Others prefer single-sex learning for cultural or religious reasons. Male friends, allies and visitors are important to us, and opportunities to work, volunteer and support us can be found on the JOIN US page.
For information about our current programmes, please visit our WHAT WE DO page.

Community Events
We believe that it is vital for all women to be seen and be safe in our public spaces. Migrant women in particular face challenges of racism and other discrimination. We bring our work into festivals and gatherings, working with our partners to create inter-generational and inter-cultural events of joy, learning and friendship:
2023 Quilt parade opening procession – Power of Women
2023 United Family events – Open to all families in Thanet. Three events were hosted and organised by our Community Champions, engaging 222 people from the local community. Workshops included Bollywood dancing, hula hooping and movement
2023 Three women’s Wellbeing events, women only events in Thanet organised and hosted by BTP Community Champions. Activities included storytelling, arts and crafts, and movement workshops
2022 Lantern Parade organised by Jodi Watson for BTP for Thanet PoW
2021 Know Your Place: screening and online discussion of our work led by founders Sheila Macdonald and Jodi Watson for Thanet PoW
2019 The Fancy Jamboree organised by Jodi Watson with the Sing Your Socks Off community choir; Seaside Singers for those living with dementia and their carers; Annie Nichols, Libby Northedge
2019 Take Flight! with Thanet PoW, Annie Nichols community artist and chef and Libby Northedge drama practitioner, with Jodi Watson.
2018 Hands Up! Speak Up! Organised by Jodi Watson with Thanet Power of Women Festival
To view some of these events, please visit the GALLERY AND LIBRARY page.

Contact Beyond The Page
Beyond The Page Ltd
Kent Innovation Centre
Thanet Reach Business Park,
Millennium Way,
Broadstairs, Kent
CT10 2QQ
07516 552928
Beyond The Page Ltd is a private company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09510474)
Kent Innovation Centre, Millennium Way, Broadstairs, CT10 1QL